Saturday, February 22, 2020

Low country boil

Sitting around the campfire, our neighbors Peggy and Steve asked if we were here for the month. We said we were, and they invited us to their event they planned for Valentine’s Day. Fortunately, the weather cooperated, and their two pots – one with cob corn, potatoes, veggies, andouille sausage and shell fish, the other with the same but fish – boiled away and smelled awesome. We brought our chairs for the circle – it totally reminded us of wintering in Port Aransas Texas many years ago.

After dinner, the sky remained crystal clear – not a cloud in sight. So, we assumed we would have a nice sunset, and headed out to the beach to see if we could take it in. We were really pleased with the quality of the sunset, and were quite surprised to catch the bonus. For the second time in my life (the Woman claims to have seen more), I saw a green flash. And while I didn’t get to snap the most intense part of the flash, I did catch it as it faded out – cool!

Every now and then you see a sentiment that seems to match your view on life perfectly. While we can’t say we have totally achieved this, we certainly try our best as often as we can.

Talk to you soon. 

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