Wednesday, April 1, 2015

All good - back in Vegas for a bit.

Despite the drama, we made it to Robin’s appointment with her surgeon as planned. All looked good so far, and the plastered splint was removed. She now has a molded removable splint that can get wet, so she is in ecstasy now that she can take actual showers again, and can bend her elbow. Her assignment is to continue to exercise her fingers and thumb until she can form a fist, which is still a ways off.

We took the long way back to Vegas, avoiding the I-15 and driving mostly two lane highways. It added an hour to the drive, but the roads and scenery were new to us, and there was virtually no traffic. Other than the fatigue of having only 4 hours or so of sleep, it was a very pleasant drive.

It turns out that there may be more damage to Colectiva from the blowout than I originally thought. When I pulled into the Cheveron in Searchlight (boyhood home of Harry Reid) to fill the tank, I opened the fuel door. The fuel cap was there on its plastic tether, but there was only a gaping hole – the actual fill tube was gone! As I stared into the empty hole, I could see the mangled fill tube deep in the recesses. I have no idea what it will take to fix that!

Our original plans were to be in Vegas for a week or so before we begin our journey to Minnesota to visit with Robin’s dad. But, with both Robin’s and Colectiva’s doctor visits, I think we will likely be here a bit longer. We will let you know when we are able to head back out on the road again.

Talk to you soon!

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