Wednesday, November 14, 2018

San Diego VII

Well we are bringing our summer travels to a close and heading back to Vegas. However, before we headed out, we needed to try to identify a couple of birds we’ve been seeing. While snooping around in the Tijuana River Preserve near the Mexican border south of Imperial Beach, we spotted these pretty yellow-bellied birds all over the place. Based on a distant blurred siting and a good description of its habitat and behaviors, we are pretty certain that we spotted Orange-Crowned Warblers, another first for us!

We also have seen these before, but just assumed they were some kind of Snipe or Dowitcher, which we have seen in Alaska and along the West Coast. However, based again on a combination of the visual siting along with a detailed description of the kind of habitat it likes, and how it feeds, particularly by the water, we are pretty sure this is a Least Sandpiper, another first identification for us.
Talk to you soon!

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