Tuesday, February 25, 2020

RV park bling

Getting my steps in around the RV park since it is supposed to be a wash out today – at least later in the morning. There are at least half a dozen RV sites that are heavily decked out for Mardi Gras. The very familiar bright purple and lime green theme is everywhere!

I know I said that the RV park is very, very old and very, very white. I also learned recently as I was perusing all of the Trump paraphernalia in all the gift shops that Florida is a red state. I thought it was all here for the snow birds, but it turns out they love him here! Well, it seems that everyone loves him, except for maybe these folk – and yes, both old and white! And, they are almost right next door to the coach with the bright red MAGA banner.

I find it fun to walk around and trying to figure out what all the vanity license plates on cars and coaches mean. Some are very easy to understand – like ours – Colectiva’s plate says “PASS US” and the Equinox plate says “IM TRYIN”. I’m pretty confident I have this one figured out.

Talk to you soon.

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