Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Apocalypse continues

We go out walking every day, just because there is nothing else we can do. We keep our distances, and the Woman has set new boundaries for Kona. He no longer can interact with other dogs, since she has been reading that while pets don’t get Covid 19, people say that the virus can live on their fur just as well as any other surface. The Woman has not allowed all the folk that think he is so cute to pet him. So, Kona is experiencing as much of this shut down as we are.

We got some possibly good news today. It turns out that the City of Biloxi has determined that an RV Park, or at least our RV Park, is an essential business. Therefore, under Mississippi and Biloxi current Coronus rules, our RV Park is not required to close. That is, unless, we don’t wash our hands or we gather in groups more than 10. Our plan is to comply.

The Woman still keeps an eye on the folk coming into the RV Park. It seems like there is a considerable influx of folk from heavily hit coronavirus areas, particularly Louisiana. We don't know that people are attempting to escape the horrors in New Orleans, but we just have to assume so. We are keeping our distance from pretty much everyone, and the Woman wipes pretty much anything we touch with antibiotic wipes.

Talk to you soon.

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