Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hunkered down

Went out to do another drive today, just to kill some time. Kona always enjoys when we drive through neighborhoods slowly enough so we can put the window down and he can hang his head out. Here, something special caught his attention.

Many years ago, we took my mon and the kids to Boulder City to witness this phenomenon. Apparently, every afternoon the bighorn sheep that live near Lake Mead move from one side of the valley to the other. Doing this, they end up walking through the same neighborhoods and eventually end up in Hemenway Park. While visiting Lake Mead Recreational Area for the views, we wandered by Hemenway Park to see if things had changed. We were happy to see that they had not. 

It’s wild fire season in California, which means it is smoke season in Vegas. There is a haze over the valley many days, and our eyes itch like crazy. The Woman says s

he can even smell it, and she is also coughing like crazy, which during this pandemic makes her particularly popular when we are out on our morning walks. There is one upside here, however. The nightly views of the moon are pretty awesome!

We hope to be talking to you soon.

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