Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fun with road signs

A bunch of road work popped up in our neighborhood, and of course the various road signs popped up warning of construction vehicles, flagmen, restricted lanes – all the normal kind of stuff. It’s funny how it takes about a dozen guys to run the construction site, even though only about 2 of them are actually working – the rest are standing around smoking and chatting. Reminds me of the construction sites shown on the Soprano’s.

Anyway, we spotted the normal 3 letter mark on the back of the signs that we routinely see when there is any road work in town, and I was dying to know what it stood for. I imagined any kind of highway department unit or division, county department, city, but couldn’t come up with it. Google to the rescue! I know some marketing guys did high 5’s when they came up with this company name in Vegas. It turns out that the largest private company supplying road signs in southern Nevada is Masters of Barricades - genius!

We hope to be talking to you soon.

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