Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dodging tornadoes

We have been quite fortunate. While tornadoes and high winds have buffeted the Gulf Coast, they have luckily concentrated their ire North, East and West of us. Last week 33 people died not too far North of us when tornadoes hit South central Mississippi. Tornadoes have also hit hard East of us in Mobile, as well as West of us in Texas and Oklahoma. Not only have dozens of homes and businesses been destroyed, this yacht, obviously cut loose by the storms, lies right off our normal daily walk along Biloxi beach.

There seems to be at least one positive impact from this disruption in the Gulf. We have been watching the bird populations along the coast the last 2 months, and while we have our favorites, the cast of characters has remained largely the same. However, the day the yacht showed up on the beach, we spotted a large flock of Black Skimmers, one of our favorite water birds, with their sharp black and white lines, as well its bright orange beak. They breed all along the Gulf Coast, and are one of our most favorite. While we hadn’t seen them until now, I don’t know for sure, but chock it up to the winds.

Talk to you soon.

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